REMEMBER, all thoughts—good or bad—tend to cloak themselves in their physical equivalent. Fears are a state of mind conditioned into us.
By recalibrating our minds, we can start to focus on what we truly desire and begin a life of extraordinary achievement and fulfillment. If we choose to waive our right to take ownership of our lives, we must be willing to accept whatever fate has in store for us.
The things we fear fall into two categories: what we can control and what we cannot control.
Developing the ability to tell them apart is a valuable skill, as American theologian and Presidential Medal of Freedom recipient Reinhold Niebuhr noted in the Serenity Prayer:
“God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, The courage to change the things I can, And the wisdom to know the difference.”
To retain a positive mind, regard each day as a new blessing and a unique opportunity to inch toward your goals.
Continually check your actions and decisions to see what tweaks and changes you can make to turbocharge the attainment of whatever it is you desire.
It might be something as simple as switching your phone to airplane mode more often to avoid distraction, deleting a time-wasting app, or changing your settings to disable intruding notifications; or it may be something more difficult, such as leaving a toxic relationship or fronting up to public speaking classes.
We are all susceptible to fears throughout our lives. Only through the consistent, purposeful application of proven success principles can we make meaningful and sustainable change.
Build your confidence with each small win, because the stronger you have forged the habit, the better it is protected.
As you replace bad habits with good ones, frequently calibrate your effectiveness through unflinchingly honest self-examination, and keep your commitment to your purpose strong. At any given time, the major military conflicts, financial crises, and other significant problems of world history appear unique, but they are not.
Rather, they are an echo of what has occurred before—a cycle that fuels the negative sentiments of those people who are complicit in fear-mongering and who allow themselves to be condemned by forces outside their control.
Yet, those who ignore the fear—choosing instead to focus on their abilities and the resources they can procure and to build a product or service that could solve a problem or strike a chord with a key demographic—quietly transcend their circumstances.
When the right opportunity arises, they flourish. This has been proven time and time again throughout history.
Your only limitation is the one that you set up in your mind.” Your only limitation is YOU.
Protect yourself against fear and any negative influence at all costs—your very life depends on it.
Kabara, is a writer and public commentator. Her syndicated column, Voice, appears on News Point Nigeria newspaper on Mondays. She can be reached on